When examining stocks, investors might be doing top down research. Top down analysis begins with looking at certain macro-economic factors. This may involve focusing in on the bigger picture and going all the way down to specific stocks. Starting at the top, investors may check on the global economic environment, overall market trends, and sector trends. Investors may choose to start doing research the other way around. This may involve first looking at the fundamentals for particular stocks in order to gauge the strength from a company standpoint. Many investors will scope out all the different investing aspects as to not leave any information uncovered.
Investors will typically be keeping track of historical highs and lows for a particular stock that they are researching. Watching levels for Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT, we can see that the all time high is currently 120.98, and the all time low is 0.08854255. Let’s look at some alternate high/low price data:
Six month low: 93.96
Six month high: 120.98
One year low: 90.28
One year high: 120.98
Three month low: 101.26
Three month high: 120.98
One month low: 114.59
One month high: 120.98
Traders might be keeping tabs on the Hull Moving Average for Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT). The current HMA reading is 120.806335. Traders may use the HMA to help identify the prevalent market trend. This may also lend to spotting useful exit and entry points on the stock.
Conducting technical analysis of the stock may include following the Keltner Channel indicator. A recent check shows the 20 day lower band at 118.74033 and the 20 day upper band at 120.3914. During a clearly defined trend, a break above or below these levels may point to the underlying strength of the trend. A break above the upper band may signal continuing bullish trend strength, and a break below the lower band may signal continuing bearish trend strength.
The 20 day Chaikin Money Flow indicator is currently 0.2859908. This indicator was developed by Marc Chaikin who observed that the pressures of buying and selling could be figured out by where a period finishes relative to the range of highs and lows.
Traders may use a variety of moving average indicators when examining a particular stock. Checking on some Exponential Moving Averages, we note that the 200 day is 111.271255, the 100 day is 114.4456, and the 50 day is 117.48667. Zooming in closer, we note that the 30 day EMA is 118.918144, the 20 day is 119.56587, and the 10 day is noted at 120.146194.
The SMA or Simple Moving Average can be calculated for different time periods. The SMA helps smooth out volatility and makes it a bit less difficult to gauge the price trend of a stock. Let’s view some popular SMA levels below:
Simple Moving Average 20 day: 119.7275
Simple Moving Average 100 day: 113.2703
Simple Moving Average 10 day120.033
Simple Moving Average 50 day: 117.8188
Simple Moving Average 30 day: 118.911
Simple Moving Average 200 day: 108.9689
Investors may be trying to figure out what stocks will give a boost to portfolio performance over the next few months. Value investors may be looking for current value in the market. They are generally looking for bargains and interested in uncovering those stocks that may be primed for a run but have fallen out of favor with Wall Street. Growth investors may be looking to target companies that are able to advance earnings faster than average. This may include searching for those industries that have strong growth trends and a proven track record of strong sales and earnings growth.
Investors tracking shares of Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) will note that since the stock opened at 120.59, shares have seen a change of 0.37. During that period, the stock has touched a low of 120.43 and tipped a high of 120.97. Volume on the day is presently 400258.
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