
Checking on the Valuation For Apple Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAPL), Microsoft Corporation (NasdaqGS:MSFT)

The ERP5 Rank is an investment tool that analysts use to discover undervalued companies.  The ERP5 looks at the Price to Book ratio, Earnings Yield, ROIC and 5 year average ROIC.  The ERP5 of Apple Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAPL) is 5577.  The lower the ERP5 rank, the more undervalued a company is thought to be.

As we sail into the second half of the calendar year, investors may be looking to see what has gone right and what has gone wrong so far this year. Making necessary changes to some holdings may help position investors for the next couple of quarters. Being able to cut the riskier losers and take some profits from winners may help solidify the stock portfolio. As we run through the next round of company earnings reports, investors will be keeping a close eye on the data that is reported. Investors may be looking to buy companies that continue to post beats on the earnings front, and cut ties with ones that are not hitting their marks.

FCF Yield 5yr Avg 

The FCF Yield 5yr Average is calculated by taking the five year average free cash flow of a company, and dividing it by the current enterprise value. Enterprise Value is calculated by taking the market capitalization plus debt, minority interest and preferred shares, minus total cash and cash equivalents. The average FCF of a company is determined by looking at the cash generated by operations of the company. The Free Cash Flow Yield 5 Year Average of Apple Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAPL) is 0.057914.

Technicals & Ratios

The EBITDA Yield is a great way to determine a company’s profitability. This number is calculated by dividing a company’s earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization by the company’s enterprise value. Enterprise Value is calculated by taking the market capitalization plus debt, minority interest and preferred shares, minus total cash and cash equivalents. The EBITDA Yield for Apple Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAPL) is 0.087763.

The Earnings to Price yield of Apple Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAPL) is 0.072813.  This is calculated by taking the earnings per share and dividing it by the last closing share price.  This is one of the most popular methods investors use to evaluate a company’s financial performance.  Earnings Yield is calculated by taking the operating income or earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) and dividing it by the Enterprise Value of the company.  The Earnings Yield for Apple Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAPL) is 0.076065.  

Earnings Yield helps investors measure the return on investment for a given company.  Similarly, the Earnings Yield Five Year Average is the five year average operating income or EBIT divided by the current enterprise value.  The Earnings Yield Five Year average for Apple Inc. is 0.063107.

Q.i. Value

The Q.i. Value of Apple Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAPL) is 25.00000. The Q.i. Value is another helpful tool in determining if a company is undervalued or not. The Q.i. Value is calculated using the following ratios: EBITDA Yield, Earnings Yield, FCF Yield, and Liquidity. The lower the Q.i. value, the more undervalued the company is thought to be.

Quant Scores

The M-Score, conceived by accounting professor Messod Beneish, is a model for detecting whether a company has manipulated their earnings numbers or not. Apple Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAPL) has an M-Score of -2.431271. The M-Score is based on 8 different variables: Days’ sales in receivables index, Gross Margin Index, Asset Quality Index, Sales Growth Index, Depreciation Index, Sales, General and Administrative expenses Index, Leverage Index and Total Accruals to Total Assets. A score higher than -1.78 is an indicator that the company might be manipulating their numbers.

The Value Composite One (VC1) is a method that investors use to determine a company’s value. The VC1 of Apple Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAPL) is 47. A company with a value of 0 is thought to be an undervalued company, while a company with a value of 100 is considered an overvalued company. The VC1 is calculated using the price to book value, price to sales, EBITDA to EV, price to cash flow, and price to earnings. Similarly, the Value Composite Two (VC2) is calculated with the same ratios, but adds the Shareholder Yield. The Value Composite Two of Apple Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAPL) is 36.

Investors may be interested in viewing the Gross Margin score on shares of Apple Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAPL). The name currently has a score of 26.00000. This score is derived from the Gross Margin (Marx) stability and growth over the previous eight years. The Gross Margin score lands on a scale from 1 to 100 where a score of 1 would be considered positive, and a score of 100 would be seen as negative.

At the time of writing, Apple Inc. (NasdaqGS:AAPL) has a Piotroski F-Score of 6. The F-Score may help discover companies with strengthening balance sheets. The score may also be used to spot the weak performers. Joseph Piotroski developed the F-Score which employs nine different variables based on the company financial statement. A single point is assigned to each test that a stock passes. Typically, a stock scoring an 8 or 9 would be seen as strong. On the other end, a stock with a score from 0-2 would be viewed as weak.

There are many factors at play when looking to successfully conquer the stock market. New investors have the tendency to become overwhelmed at the prospect of putting their hard earned money to work. If the individual investor decides that they are going to be managing their own money, they may be looking for a proper place to start. Investors might want to start by clearly defining their own goals. Creating realistic and attainable goals can help get the investor walking down the right path. As many experienced investors know, setting goals and staying on track can be a big help for navigating the markets.

Microsoft Corporation (NasdaqGS:MSFT) has an ERP5 rank of 6865. The ERP5 Rank is an investment tool that analysts use to discover undervalued companies.  The ERP5 looks at the Price to Book ratio, Earnings Yield, ROIC and 5 year average ROIC.  The lower the ERP5 rank, the more undervalued a company is thought to be.

Successful investors are typically highly knowledgeable when it comes to the stock market. Smart investors are usually able to know when to buy and when to sell. They are also adept at controlling risk and properly managing the portfolio to extract maximum profit. These types of investors have most likely put in the required time and effort that it takes to understand the inner workings of the market. Expecting that profits will start rolling in immediately can lead to extreme disappointment down the line. Investors have to learn how to align goals and expectations in order to confidently navigate the market terrain.

Q.i. Value

The Q.i. Value of Microsoft Corporation (NasdaqGS:MSFT) is 40.00000. The Q.i. Value is another helpful tool in determining if a company is undervalued or not. The Q.i. Value is calculated using the following ratios: EBITDA Yield, Earnings Yield, FCF Yield, and Liquidity. The lower the Q.i. value, the more undervalued the company is thought to be.

The EBITDA Yield is a great way to determine a company’s profitability. This number is calculated by dividing a company’s earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization by the company’s enterprise value. Enterprise Value is calculated by taking the market capitalization plus debt, minority interest and preferred shares, minus total cash and cash equivalents. The EBITDA Yield for Microsoft Corporation (NasdaqGS:MSFT) is 0.057878.

The Earnings to Price yield of Microsoft Corporation (NasdaqGS:MSFT) is 0.023786.  This is calculated by taking the earnings per share and dividing it by the last closing share price.  This is one of the most popular methods investors use to evaluate a company’s financial performance.  Earnings Yield is calculated by taking the operating income or earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) and dividing it by the Enterprise Value of the company.  The Earnings Yield for Microsoft Corporation NasdaqGS:MSFT is 0.045415.  Earnings Yield helps investors measure the return on investment for a given company.  Similarly, the Earnings Yield Five Year Average is the five year average operating income or EBIT divided by the current enterprise value.  The Earnings Yield Five Year average for Microsoft Corporation is 0.036503.

FCF Yield 5yr Avg

The FCF Yield 5yr Average is calculated by taking the five year average free cash flow of a company, and dividing it by the current enterprise value. Enterprise Value is calculated by taking the market capitalization plus debt, minority interest and preferred shares, minus total cash and cash equivalents. The average FCF of a company is determined by looking at the cash generated by operations of the company. The Free Cash Flow Yield 5 Year Average of Microsoft Corporation (NasdaqGS:MSFT) is 0.033929.

Price to book, Price to cash flow, Price to earnings

The Price to book ratio is the current share price of a company divided by the book value per share. The Price to Book ratio for Microsoft Corporation NasdaqGS:MSFT is 9.203390. A lower price to book ratio indicates that the stock might be undervalued. Similarly, Price to cash flow ratio is another helpful ratio in determining a company’s value. The Price to Cash Flow for Microsoft Corporation (NasdaqGS:MSFT) is 17.542579. This ratio is calculated by dividing the market value of a company by cash from operating activities. Additionally, the price to earnings ratio is another popular way for analysts and investors to determine a company’s profitability. The price to earnings ratio for Microsoft Corporation (NasdaqGS:MSFT) is 42.041971. This ratio is found by taking the current share price and dividing by earnings per share.

Value Comp 1 / Value Comp 2

The Value Composite One (VC1) is a method that investors use to determine a company’s value. The VC1 of Microsoft Corporation (NasdaqGS:MSFT) is 65. A company with a value of 0 is thought to be an undervalued company, while a company with a value of 100 is considered an overvalued company. The VC1 is calculated using the price to book value, price to sales, EBITDA to EV, price to cash flow, and price to earnings. Similarly, the Value Composite Two (VC2) is calculated with the same ratios, but adds the Shareholder Yield. The Value Composite Two of Microsoft Corporation (NasdaqGS:MSFT) is 56.

Volatility 12 m, 6m, 3m

Stock volatility is a percentage that indicates whether a stock is a desirable purchase. Investors look at the Volatility 12m to determine if a company has a low volatility percentage or not over the course of a year. The Volatility 12m of Microsoft Corporation (NasdaqGS:MSFT) is 18.892400. This is calculated by taking weekly log normal returns and standard deviation of the share price over one year annualized. The lower the number, a company is thought to have low volatility. The Volatility 3m is a similar percentage determined by the daily log normal returns and standard deviation of the share price over 3 months. The Volatility 3m of Microsoft Corporation (NasdaqGS:MSFT) is 30.719900. The Volatility 6m is the same, except measured over the course of six months. The Volatility 6m is 24.657900.

MF Rank

The MF Rank (aka the Magic Formula) is a formula that pinpoints a valuable company trading at a good price. The formula is calculated by looking at companies that have a high earnings yield as well as a high return on invested capital. The MF Rank of Microsoft Corporation (NasdaqGS:MSFT) is 4957. A company with a low rank is considered a good company to invest in. The Magic Formula was introduced in a book written by Joel Greenblatt, entitled, “The Little Book that Beats the Market”.

Piotroski F-Score

The Piotroski F-Score is a scoring system between 1-9 that determines a firm’s financial strength. The score helps determine if a company’s stock is valuable or not. The Piotroski F-Score of Microsoft Corporation (NasdaqGS:MSFT) is 5. A score of nine indicates a high value stock, while a score of one indicates a low value stock. The score is calculated by the return on assets (ROA), Cash flow return on assets (CFROA), change in return of assets, and quality of earnings. It is also calculated by a change in gearing or leverage, liquidity, and change in shares in issue. The score is also determined by change in gross margin and change in asset turnover.

Return on Assets

There are many different tools to determine whether a company is profitable or not. One of the most popular ratios is the “Return on Assets” (aka ROA). This score indicates how profitable a company is relative to its total assets. The Return on Assets for Microsoft Corporation (NasdaqGS:MSFT) is 0.075549. This number is calculated by dividing net income after tax by the company’s total assets. A company that manages their assets well will have a higher return, while a company that manages their assets poorly will have a lower return.

The stock market can be an exciting yet scary place for investors who are just starting out. Individual investors who decide to manage their own portfolios may need to hit the books and be ready to take a comprehensive approach. There is no lack of information about investing in the stock market, but figuring out where to start can be difficult. Setting up goals and defining the investment plan can help start the investor down the right path. As many seasoned investors know, there can be times when nothing seems to be going right. Keeping a clear head and focusing on the relevant information can help the investor stay steady when the going gets tough.    

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